connected coaching philosophy

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During my career as innovation leader, I started to really understand what drives me: CONNECTEDNESS. 

To me, connectedness encompasses:

  • The thrill of connecting ideas and discovering insights, 
  • The energy of connecting emotions, thoughts and actions to get results,
  • The synergy of connecting together people from very different backgrounds,
  • The curiosity of connecting with all the different parts and needs in me,
  • The complexity and simplicity of creating deep meaningful connections with others. 

Time after time, as individual and coach, I've experienced that our most significant contributions systematically occur when we are truly connected to all parts of ourselves, including our emotions. Emotions hold immense wisdom and life force.  Channeling the power of emotions and expressing the needs they highlight are the "voie royale" to a full expression of our talents, ideas, desires and life purpose.


Connected Coaching is about:

Connecting with your inner wisdom, so that you can access what matters to you, make choices to have the career and the life you want.

Connecting with others to build on each other’s talents and ideas, and create meaningful relationships.

Connecting the visible and the invisible within ourselves or our organisations. Remembering that the unseen part of the iceberg  (our values, beliefs, emotions, culture) is as important as the visible part (vision,  plans , results, ambitions).  The two parts working together create a virtuous circle of high performance and resilience. Things get done efficiently and intentionally. 

And of course,

Connecting the coach and the coachee to establish a relationship based on trust.